Is Buckeye Seamless Gutters insured?

Yes, we are fully insured.

Is there a cost for getting an estimate?

No, we will give you a prompt, written quote at no cost to you. Under normal circumstances, we guarantee the price for up to 180 days.

Do I have to be home in order to get an estimate?

No, measurements can be taken on site and the estimate can be left for you to review on your own time. Buckeye Seamless Gutters is not a company that will pressure you for a sale. Our prices are fair and competitive, and we will not pressure you into buying something that is not needed or wanted.

Why are gutters and guards important?

Gutters clogged with everything from leaves to twigs can cause expensive and dangerous home repair nightmares and rainwater washing over your gutters can accumulate in pools around walls and foundations. This can result in leaky and cracked foundations or flooded basements.

Gutters keep water from seeping down your home’s exterior and in winter they help prevent ice buildups on roofs. Gutter Guards prevent leaves, twigs, acorns, or other debris from collecting in your gutters allowing the water to run smoothly through the gutter and away from your home.

What are some reasons to replace my gutters?

  • Clogged or leaky gutters are one of the biggest causes of basement leaks, mold and other foundation problems. Also, standing water in gutters is one of the common places mosquitoes breed.
  • Old worn-out gutters are unappealing and reduce the value of your property.
  • Your old gutters may have become bent or dented or may be pulling away from your home in a manner that they cannot be reattached or reworked.
  • Your old seamed gutters may have begun to pull apart or have leaks and you would like to replace them.
  • You want to change the color of your gutters.
  • The drainage of your current guttering is not sufficient so you want to install a larger size gutter and downspout system. Most homes have 5 inch gutters with 2×3 downspouts, but we can install 6 inch gutters with 3×4 downspouts when necessary, like commercial properties.

How can I tell if my gutters aren’t draining properly?

If during a rainfall, you can hear the water slapping the ground, pouring over the sides of the gutter, there may be a blockage or the gutter itself may not be aligned evenly. If you notice paint peeling or corroded wood, the gutter is most likely clogged and is causing the water to overflow and run down the back of gutter along the exterior walls of the house. If you notice mold or if you see puddles of water forming around the outside of your house it’s a sure sign that there are drainage problems

Do I have to clean up when you are done with the job?

We at Buckeye Seamless Gutters clean up after the job is over. We do our best to leave the site just as it was upon arrival.

What colors are available?

Buckeye Seamless Gutters has over 40 different colors available. Color swatches are available upon request, and colors are matched as closely as possible when the estimate is done.

Does a colored gutter cost more than white gutters?

No, most of our colors cost the same as our white.

How do I know if I need 5″ or 6″ gutters?

There are many factors that go into the decision of 5″ vs 6″ including: the size of your roof, type of your roof (Shingle vs Metal), and placements of downspouts; as well as customer preference. It is best to contact us, and we will provide an on site measurement and recommendation.

Will Buckeye Seamless Gutters clean out my gutters?

Yes, Buckeye Seamless Gutters provides gutter cleaning services. We can also measure your home/building for a recommendation on gutter guards.

What causes ice blockages in my gutter?

Ice blockages (or Ice Dams) are created when a large amount of snow accumulates on the roof of a building the snow will act as an insulator to the outside cold and heat loss from within the building.  A lack of enough insulation and poor attic ventilation will warm the roof and thawing will result. When this melted snow runs down the roof and reaches the roof overhang it begins to freeze because there is a lack of heat and freezing begins.