Soffit and Fascia

What is Soffit?

Soffit lies beneath your roof’s overhang and serves both a functional and an aesthetic purpose. It can be made of any type of material, such as vinyl, aluminum, or wood. It protects the underside of your roof overhang from the elements and usually boasts a design to enhance the outside of your home. Soffit can also be vented that helps to promote good airflow between your roof and attic and this helps to prevent mold growth in your attic.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is the area that is directly above the soffit. It is what you see on the front of your overhang and helps to support the lower edge of the last row of your roofing materials. This is also the area where your gutters are installed.

Why should you care?

Both soffit and fascia help to ensure the overall structural integrity of your home. They help protect against weather, as well as critters and insects who wish to use your attic as their home. It also plays a large role in the aestethics of your home. New fascia, soffit and gutters can completely makeover the look of your home.

